December 1, 2015 7 Gearing up to start primary school in Singapore December is the equivalent of UK’s summer holiday season in Singapore; a six-week school break at the end [...]
November 24, 2015 6 Library Love Lost Last week I took the kids to our new local children’s library, called “My Tree House” – which is part [...]
September 1, 2015 8 Mandarin: Our foreign mother-tongue It’s been well documented that Mandarin Chinese is the hardest language in the world to learn for native [...]
August 18, 2015 7 Becoming Singaporean Step 1: Enrol in local school. The girls enjoyed Singapore’s recent nationwide celebrations marking 50 years of independence. Miss Chu can [...]
August 11, 2015 0 The Enrichment Zone What is an Enrichment Zone? To me, enrichment sounds like something you do to bread with a few eggs and extra [...]