September 1, 2018 0 Spinning Eggs at the Science Busking Festival Miss Chu returned for another bite at the cherry with a new routine at this year’s Singapore Science [...]
July 31, 2018 2 Dry Ice Fog Bubbles Here on EveryChusDay, we’ve never managed to settle on a niche topic for our blog and YouTube channel, and [...]
June 30, 2018 1 Learning by Videoing We never set out to have a YouTube channel, but back in 2015, when I first attempted to embed a video of our [...]
May 31, 2018 3 How Far I’ll Go: Miss Chu’s first ukulele tutorial The ukulele has been described as the easiest instrument to learn, and this year the Chu girls have [...]
April 30, 2018 2 Kids Vs Food Challenge! Almost two years after her very first “Miss Chu’s News” video “Snacks of Singapore”, Miss Chu [...]
March 31, 2018 0 Art Zoo 2018 What’s better than a bouncy castle? How about a field of fifteen, massive inflatable playgrounds…in the [...]
February 28, 2018 0 Blacklight Illusions After playing around with all that glowing party stuff for Miss Chu’s birthday, we were excited to [...]
January 31, 2018 1 Glow Party! It doesn’t seem like a year ago since I was sharpening up my bubble-blowing skills for Miss Chu’s 8th [...]
November 30, 2017 2 How to build with sand Most weary parents head straight for a sunlounger with cool drink in hand when they hit the beach. Not me. I [...]
October 31, 2017 0 The Cup Song: An Exam Revision Musical Interlude Even though the Chu girls are constantly singing and dancing around the house, we suddenly realised a whole [...]