August 31, 2017 0 Introducing Cheeky McChu Over a year ago, the girls and I dabbled in some paper puppet stop motion animation to produce a fun music [...]
July 31, 2017 5 The Bubble Buskers So if you’ve been following our blog this year, you know we’ve spent a good amount of time blowing [...]
March 31, 2017 2 DIY coding with kids It’s been several months now since I boldly stated my intentions to get Miss Chu up and running with [...]
February 28, 2017 7 Even more fun with bubbles! Miss Chu celebrated her eighth birthday in a blaze of bubbles and yes, we’re still playing with them weeks [...]
November 27, 2016 30 How to Make Popping Boba Little Miss turned 5 recently, and one of her current obsessions is popping boba. We discovered it several [...]
August 9, 2016 7 Stand Up for Singapore! Singapore celebrates it’s 51st birthday today and the girls have been well and truly indoctrinated with the [...]
May 24, 2016 17 Fun with Hello Ruby and cardboard computers As I mentioned in a previous post – Miss Chu and I are planning to learn Scratch programming over the June [...]
April 26, 2016 6 Portside Pirates: an adventure in stop motion We’ve been messing around with split-pin paper puppets this week and decided to try our hand at stop motion [...]
April 5, 2016 5 Miss Chu’s first Mandarin music video It’s not easy to get these girls interested in reading Chinese storybooks, or even in watching cartoons in [...]
February 23, 2016 7 Miss Chu’s first Mandarin Show and Tell This week, Miss Chu posts a video of her very first Chinese Show and Tell at school! So far, Miss Chu is [...]