How Far I’ll Go: Miss Chu’s first ukulele tutorial

The ukulele has been described as the easiest instrument to learn, and this year the Chu girls have developed a sudden interest in learning to play it. We’ve always had a cheap toy one around, but last Christmas Miss Chu received a proper grown up one and has been dabbling on it ever since. This instrument really has a high instant-gratification factor because you only need to learn a handful of simple chords to cover a multitude of popular songs.
So for the past few months we’ve been casually learning from YouTube tutorials, and Miss Chu has finally decided to produce her own! So here it is, along with a link to our lyrics and chord chart.
For those who read my old post about the pain of piano practice, Miss Chu is still persevering with the piano and progressing pretty well. But interestingly I don’t bug her at all about practicing the ukulele and she just gravitates to it on her own! I like how learning the ukulele expands her musical understanding, because at this early stage the music is all chord-based versions of pop songs, and she has been surprised to see how repetitive and formulaic a lot of this music is. But there are still plenty of interesting things to learn about chord progression, song structure and how music works.
So I think my original mission to inspire musicality has taken root…and is slowly growing.
Well done!!
Hope she can share other how to play the chords!
Natalie you are such a talented sweet girl! I knew you loved music even when you were 3 years old!! I love this video and I love this song! Keep going sweetheart! You are incredible! Love, Geena xx
Thanks Geena! It was fun singing with you!