Memoji what?

I’m now at that inevitable life stage when my kids are able to intuitively navigate new consumer tech faster than me, happily demonstrating a dizzying prowess on any device they can get their hands on. They have mastered every variable and setting on my phone camera and absolutely love playing with the iPhone Animoji and Memoji – a feature I can guarantee I would never have even discovered, let alone used. But the girls totally love playing with this. And poor Daddy Chu wonders why his wife is flooding his Message app with singing poop emojis, Harry Potter avatar impressions and Disney Princess lookalikes.

So I figured they might as well take it to the next level and make a fully-fledged video project out of it. After all, someone else appears to have established a Youtube channel purely on videos of Memoji lip-syncing to the latest hits. (Memoji Karaoke anyone?) And so…Miss Chu presents her Disney Princess Music Memoji Medley (with Poop Animoji bonus track, of course).

It seemed not so long ago that we were patiently creating stop-motion animation with paper puppets. But who needs patience when you can effortlessly swipe your way through real time digital puppetry? Not sure whether I miss the good old days of coloured paper, a pair of scissors and split pins…or not.
Whatever the tools, I hope the kids will always be motivated to use their imaginations and be creative. I thought their days of dressing up and role-play were practically over – but thanks to this bit of fun tech, it has been somewhat revived! Ahhh, the nostalgia.

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