November 17, 2015 6 My Little Pony, Skinny and Bony Little Miss has just turned four, and a couple of days before her birthday, she cupped my face in her hands [...]
November 10, 2015 8 Rearranging the furniture We have officially moved into our new home! Before moving in, I foolishly imagined that I’d post some [...]
November 3, 2015 2 Concrete jungle or Garden City? Singapore is often called a concrete jungle – but actually, the government has done a pretty good job of [...]
October 25, 2015 2 Happy Wedding Day! Chusday comes a couple of days early this week with a special message for my lovely cousin and her husband on [...]
October 20, 2015 5 Location, location, location Back in 2014 when we were seriously contemplating a move from Edinburgh to Singapore, we started thinking [...]
October 20, 2015 8 The answers you’ve all been waiting for… Yikes it’s Chusday again and I meant to publish the answers to last week’s Supermarket Quiz a couple of [...]
October 13, 2015 3 A Singapore Supermarket Quiz Who in their right mind misses British supermarkets in the food paradise that is Singapore? As it turns out, [...]
October 6, 2015 4 Going Crazy in the Hazy: Twindancing The Haze has been hanging over Singapore for a few weeks now with only a few days of respite here and there. [...]
September 29, 2015 1 What are we doing here? So far I’ve managed to have a good old whinge about the hot weather, the long working hours, the [...]
September 22, 2015 16 Why we eat mooncakes in mid-autumn A post by Miss Chu: It’s our first time celebrating the Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon festival in Singapore, [...]