
On one hand, I’m thinking – last Chusday of the year! Better make it a good one! And on the other hand, I’ve got 3 hours left and I can’t decide what to write about at all. Unlike proper bloggers, who have cleverly pre-written posts queued up for the holiday season (note to self for next year), I have been winging it week after week with no plan or agenda. But somehow, something always comes up, and actually I’m quite chuffed that I’ve managed to blog every Tuesday for 25 weeks in a row!
But it’s that week between Christmas and New Year.
It’s not that I’m totally hungover…or that my brain has finally fizzled out with one too many mince pies. I’ve got various things on my mind, like “The Importance of Building Dens”, “What I Really Think About School” and “To What Extent is Luxury Unethical?” but my gut feeling is that this isn’t the right week for any of that. And I’d hate to put up some random piece for the sake of rounding out the year.
If ever there was a week in the year to slow down, and check whether you’re heading in the right direction – it’s got to be this one.
For these last few days of 2015, I don’t want to waste too much of your time.
There is a time to write and a time to prioritize your face-to-face relationships. We have been really blessed this Christmas with opportunities to meet up with many old friends, and I would never hesitate to put more time and effort into catching up with real people in real life.
So I genuinely just want to offer something short and sweet. If you have peace, freedom and health – slow down, be thankful, and enjoy it. Maybe go do something kind for someone who doesn’t have all those things. And, turn off your phone for a bit and go spend time with people you love!
Best wishes for 2016 and see you in the New Year!
Well said Tammy (she said checking her phone!). Hope you guys had a great Christmas and all the very best for 2016! Live the Parrish’s.
Thanks Lisa! It was lovely to spend Christmas surrounded by our family this year. Most relaxing Christmas ever because I could hand the reins back to mum!