Where are you?

This week, the Chu family is on holiday! And as I’ve been spending a lot of time on a sun lounger, drink in hand, a proper blog post has not materialised, magically, on its own. So I’ve decided to put up my own Where Are You? competition instead. (And for the handful of you who actually know where we are, you are banned from entering!)
See photo and text below. If you’d like to guess where we are, pop your answer in the comments below! Winner (first correct guess) gets a meal on me next time we meet up.
The girls are making sandcastles whilst we watch the sun go down on the South China Sea. This place is famed for gorgeous sunsets. We didn’t have to fly very far to get to this island. It’s one of the biggest islands in the world, and hosts an amazing diversity of natural species, some of which can only be found here. This particular part of the island attracts mountain climbers and divers to its tropical shores, despite the real possibility of earthquakes and pirate attacks. So although we haven’t explored much further than the pool on this occasion, we would love to return for another adventure!
Where are we? (Name of nearest town. Bonus points if you can name the beach!)
Will aim to post the answer and a few more holiday snaps when we get back to Singapore!
UPDATE 22.3.16
Well done to everyone who guessed correctly last week – whether you figured it out or realised the photo filename was a bit of a giveaway! We were at Tanjung Aru beach, Kota Kinabalu on Borneo (East Malaysia).
Anyway – a few more photos of our holiday below!

Cooling off in the pool

Waterslide fun every afternoon!

Tanjung Aru beach – small but lovely

Daddy Chu’s Golf Academy

Bubble making at the kids club

Daddy Chu takes second place in a blowpipe competition

Coconut bowling…

…and coconut drinking

Two happy campers
Tanjung Aru Beach, Near Penampang, Malaysia!
I’ll reveal my secret if I’m right! 🙂
Geena you are fastest finger! Spot on with the beach, although nearest town is actually Kota Kinabalu. Remember to claim your prize next time we see you! (Fiona pointed out that I named my photos rather too well…hence the giveaway if the images don’t upload fast enough!)
Is it Portobello – the beach looks just like it?!
Doesn’t it just! It’s almost like being back in Edinburgh…just a few degrees warmer ?. Actually haven’t been on a tropical beach holiday for ages and its unbelievable how warm the water is.
Borneo? Nearest town Kota Kinabalu?
Yes! I guess if you’re Malaysian you’ve got a bit of an advantage! But as you’re the first commenter with the right town – drinks on us next time we see you ?.
Shangri-La Kota Kinabalu Sabah Borneo?? Just thought I’d try guess the resort too :-). Loved Borneo! Jealous!
Top marks Lisa – spot on! Did you recognise the Sunset Bar in the distance?!
I think you should probably rename the photo before you set a competition in the future! Too easy! Looks fabulous though. Edinburgh is still only just showing the first signs of spring and the haar was in yesterday morning.
Oh no rookie mistake! Or possibly my brain is on holiday too ?…